
Holiday exercise somewhere in Spain

Part one:
Walk with or without  sticks. Need to be achieved  before 10.30 am as it comes too hot. And I mean too hot –  +33 C!  It is lovely to walk around the village and see  the awakening of the new day.

Part two:
Mat exercise: 15 min average max for 30 min. Just the basics; crunches, squats, glute lifts, blanks, stretches and twists. This needs to be done when the little ones are having their siesta.

Part three:
In the early evening aqua aerobics including two different types of exercise. Section a) free style with my god daughters including lots of jumps and lifts with a child as a weight. Section b) walk in the pool approximately 10 lengths, crunches  and leg lifts holding the pool ladders. 


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