
Upwards and onwards!

It was  in  mid April when I last did some serious exercising. After my second calf injury I bought a new pair of trainers as the nurse at the walking clinic suggested. It was not before yesterday  when I actually put  my feet into them and went to Zumba!

What on earth does happen  in my life? Yes, I have been extremely busy both at work and with my other commitments but isn't it depressing that the same patten repeats itself over and over again: If I need to leave something out  from my life and reschedule it seems to be an easy option to stay away from the gym.

My calf injuries kind of gave me an excuse to stay away  from the gym. For Goodness sake I could have some some weight exercise! I have written before about how important energy management is instead of time management. From that point of view my past weeks haven't really been that bad.   I have focused on things which have been pending  and which have taking my mental  energy for a long time.  Now eventually they are successfully finished and I SHOULD have energy and time for something else. 

The beginning of year hasn't really  been what I expected it to be in terms of exercise, weight loss and well being. There is no need to dwell on regrets and bad feelings.

"The first step towards getting somewhere, is to decide that you are not going to stay there where you are."
That is exactly what I am going  do. Upwards and onwards!

1 kommentti:

  1. So you have had other things you needed to take care of. And that was the priority. You only can do so much.
    After all - tomorrow is another day (Scarlet O'Hara in Gone with the Wind).
    Go for it! I will try, too :-)
