
Welcome Fit for Fifty

Some time ago I asked my friend if she would like to start a blog with me. The choice was simple -yes or no. So here we go, starting a new adventure together. Over the years we have made several decisions and choices together in order to get slimmer, fitter and perhaps happier. Some of these options have lead us to more permanent changes and some haven´t.
I think I know a lot about things which are good for me and my well being. However knowing and doing are very often miles apart. It is all about choices.
When I moved to the UK I spent about two years trying to find a nice gym. The Beauty Centre in Oulu is hard to beat according to any standards. Eventually I pulled myself together and chose a local Harper’s Gym. Originally this particular gym  was the last on my list. I was on a mission for something better and obviously found a good excuse not to start exercising at all.
Now I understand that my gym is not the best but it’s not the worst either. It is better not to be bothered about water damage marks on the ceiling in the big hall or the surrealistic brown carpet in the yoga studio. And it is definitely best not to yearn for quiet air conditioning or a super clean environment. And we are not going to look too deeply at the skills of the instructors. The thing I need to do though is to get there.
At the moment I am not a FitChick. Far from that. Once I was and I want to get back there. The goal of my life at moment is to get Fit for Fifty. I have one year and some months to achieve this. Life is busy and there are so many lovely options and things to do. Some things are duties and require hard work and determination. Getting slimmer and fitter is one amongst them. I have done it in so many ways in past and at the end of the day failed. My achievements haven't been permanent. Therefore this time I have decided to choose a different path
- I am not going to count calories or points
- I am not going to be an exercise fanatic
- I am not going to concentrate only in this area of my life
- I am going to learn to eat healthy size portions
- I am going to save drinking wine to when I'm eating out
- I am going to manage to include some exercise during the week
- I am going to decrease the amount of cheese I eat
- I have decided to be social, open up and share my ups and downs with you
Merja has written some fantastically good ideas and points of views. Now I am going to read them again.

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