Oululla ja monella muullakin kaupungilla on kätevä karttapalvelu, jossa voi mitata hyvinkin tarkkaan kulkemansa reitin. Kuvassa meidän reittimme tänään (tuo numeroviidakko...). Tulikohan jokainen mutka varmasti mitattua... :-)
Pakko laittaa myös kuva kevään ensimmäisestä perhosesta, jonka näin kauppatorilla.
Kevät etenee ja lumet sulavat hyvää vauhtia. Upea, upea päivä tänään!
It was just a wonderful spring day today! In the morning I drove to Ylikiiminki with my Mum and soon after I had my first picnic of the day by Koiteli rapid near Kiiminki. Ice is melting fast which means that Koiteli rapid will be free to flow after couple of weeks. Absolutely amazing sunshine made everybody happy and it was brilliat to notice how many people were enjoying the radiating bond of the sun and ice near Nallikari. After the gym I started the barbeque season; my second picnic of the day... Before sauna I again had a little ride with my Mum; I wanted to see all those migratory mute swans, geese and lapwings in Liminka fields. Beautiful! MerjaUK
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