+ 7 C
Sunday evening and tonight
Strong winds and heavy rain this evening, with rain becoming less heavy during the second part of the night and also less windy. Rain perhaps clearing the east coast by dawn, with clearer conditions following in the west.
Please also enjoy some childhood memories:
Oulu, Finland
+2 - +5
Sekä pilvistä että aurinkoista, hieman vesi- ja lumisadetta.
Both cloudy and sunny, some rain and snow.

Varo heikkoja jäitä!
Look out for weak ice!
Pilkkijät uhmaavat kohtaloaan.
Ice fishers defying their destiny.

Tänä yönä jaetaan Oscarit. Päätin varautua pähkinöillä :-)
Tonight is the Oscars' night. I decided to prepare myself with nuts :-)
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